Rumus paling sederhana dalam dunia pengolahan emas dan perak adalah 1 + 1 = 100 dan 100 + 100 = 1

Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

Cara Mengganti Template Di Blogspot

Sekilas tentang template blog, Template website atau blog adalah desain-desain halaman web ataupun blog beserta seluruh komponennya (misal : gambar, stylesheet, dsb) baik berupa file statis maupun file dinamis yang berupa program atau aplikasi yang berjalan sebagai aplikasi web. Seperti yang anda lihat saat ini, bahwa terlihat tatanan gambar serta tulisan di layar monitor anda, itulah yang dinamakan template.

Di blogger atau blogspot, anda dapat dapat mengganti template blog anda secara leluasa sesuai dengan selera dan keinginan masing-masing. Jika anda telah mahir membuat template sendiri, anda dapat menggunakan template tersebut untuk blog anda. Namun, jika anda masih awam dalam membuat template, blogger atau blogspot sendiri telah menyediakan beberapa template yang bisa anda pilih sesuai dengan keinginan. Selain itu, anda dapat pula mengunduh atau mendownload template blogger gratis dari penyedia template blogger, salah satu contoh website yang menyediakan template blogger tersebut adalah beralamat di, disana terdapat ratusan template blogger yang bisa anda gunakan secara gratis. namun, jika anda menggunakan template gratis, syarat yang harus ditaati adalah tidak boleh menghapus atau menghilangkan credit link dari pembuat template tersebut. Dengan tidak membuang link credit pembuat template, itu adalah sebagai apresiasi atas kerja keras mereka dalam menyediakan template secara gratis. Langsung ke topik utama, Cara mengganti template di blogspot atau blogger ada dua cara, yaitu mengganti template dengan template yang disediakan blogspot, atau mengganti template dengan template yang didapat dari penyedia template. makeityourring diamond engagement rings. Berikut ulasannya : 

Mengganti Template dengan Template yang disediakan blogger 

Berikut cara-cara untuk mengganti template dengan template yang telah disediakan blogger: 

  • Silahkan login ke blogger dengan ID anda. 
  • Klik Rancangan
  • Klik menu Perancang Template. Selanjutnya akan muncul jendela perancang template blogger.
  • Klik pada pilihan template yang tersedia (saat tartikel ini ditulis template yang terdia berjumlah 6 template). Selain itu, anda dapat pula memilih background atau gambar latar belakang dari template tersebut. Jika sudah cocok dengan salah satu template,  klik APPLY TO BLOG.

Cara Setting Blog Di Blogger

Hal pertama yang penting anda lakukan agar blog anda di blogger mempunyai performa yang baik adalah melakukan beberapa Setting atau pengaturan. Sebagai bahan inspirasi bagaimana cara melakukan setting blog di blogger, berikut Kolom Tutorial tuliskan cara pengaturan blog di blogger (pastikan anda (pastikan anda memilih bahasa indonesia agar sesuai dengan tutorial dibawah) : 

* Silahkan login ke blogger dengan ID anda. 
* Klik Pengaturan.

* Akan terlihat tab-tab menu berisi hal-hal yang harus anda atur :
Beberapa pengaturan dalam menu Dasar: 
Alat Blog : Impor blog → ini adalah faslitas untuk mengimpor data dari komputer anda ( ini biasanya dilakukan ketika transfer blog) tidak usah di klik, biarkan saja. Ekspor blog > ini adalah fasilitas untuk mengekspor data blog dari server blogger ke komputer anda. Fasilitas ini disebut juga sebagai fasilitas Backup blog. Disarankan agar anda membuat backup data ke komputer anda, minimal satu minggu sekali. Data backup tersebut sewaktu-waktu bisa bermanfaat ketika anda ingin mentransfer ke blog lain di blogger, atau bisa juga untuk migrasi ke mesin blog yang lain seperti Wordpress. Hapus blog > Fasilitas untuk menghapus blog anda. Jika anda tidak berniat untuk menghapus blog, maka jangan sekali-sekali klik link ini.makeityourring diamond engagement rings
  •  Judul : isi dengan judul blog yang anda inginkan. Contoh : My personal blog 
  • Uraian : isi dengan deskripsi blog yang ingin ditampilkan, sebaiknya ini diisi jangan dikosongkan. Contoh : catatan kecil hidupku yang unik. 
  • Tambahkan blog Anda ke daftar kami? : disarankan untuk memilih opsi Ya. 
  • Biarkan mesin pencari menemukan blog Anda? : Pilih Ya, agar blog anda dapat di index oleh mesin pencari seperti Google, Yahoo atau Bing. 
  • Tampilkan Editing Cepat di Blog Anda? : Boleh pilih Ya atau Tidak. 
  • Tampilkan Link Posting Email? : Ini berupa icon email, jika anda menginginkan agar pengunjung blog dengan mudah mengirimkan email ke teman mereka tentang blog anda, maka Pilih Ya. Namun jika tidak, silahkan pilih Tidak. 
  • Konten Dewasa? : Jika blog anda nantinya akan berisi hal-hal yang besifat dewasa seperti menampilkan artikel, gambar, atau video wanita seksi, dll maka pilih Ya. Namun, jika blog anda berisi hal-hal yang aman diakses oleh anak kecil, pilih Tidak. Sebagai catatan, jika anda memilih opsi Ya, maka nantinya ketika diakses blog anda akan ada peringatan bahwa berisi konten dewasa. 
  • Pilih editor entri : Ini adalah pilihan untuk post editor. Editor yang diperbarui → ini adalah post editor terbaru yang dimiliki oleh blogger, banyak fasilitas baru yang terintegrasi dalam post editor ini seperti tombol More untuk memotong artikel di blog anda. Editor lama → ini adalah post editor lama yang dimiliki blogger namun masih bisa anda gunakan, ada beberapa toolbar terdapat dalam post editor lama, namun tidak disediakan lagi di post editor baru, jadi silahkan pilih mana yang anda mau. Sembunyikan mode penyusunan → pilihan ini khusus bagi anda yang sudah mahir dengan kode HTML, jika anda tidak menguasai tentang HTML, jangan gunakan post editor ini. 
  • Aktifkan transliterasi? : Pilih Aktifkan jika post editor anda ingin mendukung ke translasi Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, atau Telugu. Pilih Nonaktifkan jika post editor anda tidak ingin ada translasi bahasa tersebut. 
  • Akhiri pengaturan menu Basic dengan klik tombol SIMPAN SETELAN. 

Panduan Membuat Blog Di Blogspot

1. Apa itu Blog ?

Blog merupakan sigkatan dari “Web log” adalah salah satu aplikasi web berupa tulisan-tulisan yang umum disebut sebagai posting pada halaman web. Tulisan-tulisan tersebut seringkali diurut dari yang terbaru dan diikuti oleh yang lama. Awalnya, blog dibuat adalah sebagai catatan pribadi yang disimpan secara online, namun kini isi dari sebuah blog sangat bervariatif ada yang berisi tutorial ( contoh blog ini ), curhat, bisnis dan lain sebagainya. Secara umum, blog tidak ada bedanya dengan situs yang ada di internet. makeityourring diamond engagement rings Flatform blog atau seringkali disebut juga dengan mesin blog dibuat sedemikian rupa oleh para designer blog agar mudah untuk digunakan. Dulu, untuk membuat aplikasi web diperlukan pengetahuan tentang pemrograman HTML, PHP, CSS dan lain sebagainya, dengan blog semuanya menjadi mudah semudah menyebut angka 1 2 3. 

2. Cara membuat blog di blogspot 

Salah satu penyedia blog gratis yang cukup populer saat ini adalah blogspot atau blogger, dimana ketika mendaptar adalah melalui situs namun nama domain yang akan anda dapatkan adalah sub domain dari blogspot, contoh : Kenapa harus membuat blog di bukan pada situs penyedia blog lainnya? Sebenarnya tidak ada keharusan untuk membuat blog di blogger, namun ada banyak kelebihan yang dimiliki blogger di banding dengan penyedia blog lain. Beberapa contoh kelebihan blogspot di banding yang lain yaitu mudah dalam pengoperasian sehingga cocok untuk pemula, lebih leluasa dalam mengganti serta mengedit template sehingga tampilan blog anda akan lebih fresh karena hasil kreasi sendiri, custom domain atau anda dapat mengubah nama blog anda dengan nama domain sendiri misalkan di ubah menjadi,sedangkan hosting tetap menggunakan blogspot dan masih tetap gratis. Perlu ditekankan dari awal bahwa internet itu sifatnya sangat dinamis, sehingga mungkin saja dalam beberapa waktu kedepan panduan membuat blog di blogspot ini akan sedikit berbeda dengan apa yang anda lihat di Untuk mengurangi hal yang tidak perlu di tulis, berikut cara membuat blogger di Membuat Email Salah satu syarat yang harus dipenuhi dalam membuat blog adalah anda memiliki alamat email yang masih aktif atau di gunakan. Jika anda belum mempunyai alamat email, silahkan daftar terlebih dahulu di gmail karena blogger adalah salah satu layanan dari Google maka ketika mendaftar ke blogger sebaiknya gunakan email gmail. Jika anda belum paham bagaimana cara membuat email, silahkan gunakan mesin pencari google untuk mencari panduannya. Daftar Blog Di Blogger 
1. Silahkan kunjungi situs 
2. Setelah halaman pendaftaran terbuka, alihkan perhatian ke sebelah kanan atas, ubah bahasa ke Indonesia agar lebih mudah difahami. Silahkan langsung login dengan menggunakan username serta password gmail anda ( akun email anda bisa untuk login ke blogger).
3. Klik tombol bertuliskan CIPTAKAN BLOG ANDA.

4. Isilah nama judul blog serta alamat blog yang di inginkan. Ingat! dalam membuat alamat blog harus benar-benar serius karena itu permanen tidak dapat digantikan lagi (kecuali nanti ganti dengan custom domain). Jika alamat yang diinginkan ternyata tidak bisa digunakan, masukkan kembali alamat lain yang masih tersedia. Jika alamat blog yang diinginkan masih tersedia, silahkan klik anak panah bertuliskan LANJUTKAN.

5. Silahkan pilih template yang anda sukai ( template ini nanti bisa diubah lagi kapan saja anda mau), kemudian klik LANJUTKAN.

6. Akan ada tulisan “Blog Anda Sudah Jadi!”. Silahkan lanjutkan dengan klik tombol MULAI BLOGGING

7. Setelah masuk post editor, silahkan isi apa saja ( disarankan untuk langsung mengisi posting, biasanya jika tidak langsung posting akan terjaring robot anti spam milik blogger, dan blog anda akan di lock). Contoh : hello world. Klik Tombol PRATINJAU untuk melihat tampilan yang nanti akan muncul di blog, klik tombol TERBITKAN ENTRI jika posting anda mau dipublikasikan ke publik.

8. Klik “Lihat Entri” untuk melihat blog anda. Berikut contoh tampilan blog yang tadi di buat dan selesai deh :).

Untuk tahap awal, blog anda sudah jadi dan bisa diakses dimana saja. Untuk pembahasan lebih dalam tentang bagaimana blogging dengan blogger, akan di bahas pada posting berikutnya.

Senin, 05 Desember 2011

How to sell online

If you've been thinking about opening an online business, you're definitely onto something. Industry experts are projecting ecommerce revenue to grow a whopping 12% compared to last year. Better yet, things aren't expected to slow down anytime soon. By 2014, US ecommerce sales are projected to increase another 66%, reaching an astounding $223.9 billion. But how do you go about selling online? It ultimately depends on your situation – if you're looking to clean out your garage or sell a couple of products as a one-time occurrence, you should consider using an online auction site or local listing service. But if you want to sell products or services on an ongoing basis, your best bet is to open your own online store. Before starting the online business of your dreams, take a look at the following things you'll need to know before launch. Keep in mind that you won't need to do everything all at once, but in order to succeed online, you should definitely think about how to fit them into your strategy. 1. Figure out what to sell online Do you have an amazing product that you'd like to offer to the rest of the world? How about a blossoming fashion line that everyone should be wearing? Whatever the case, the first step in successfully selling online is to decide what you'll be offering for sale. It's important to work with products that you're passionate about. After all, you'll be working with them quite a bit once your online business takes off. Also, make sure you have a way to secure your inventory, whether you're getting it from a third-party supplier or creating it on your own. Don't have any products? Don't fret. There are multiple vendors and drop shippers that can provide various items to sell on your new online store. 2. Decide which ecommerce solution is best An ecommerce solution, or shopping cart software, is the platform you'll use to sell your products and manage your online business. There are three main types for you to choose from: Hosted Ecommerce Solutions: Hosted solutions provide web-hosting and shopping cart software as one. The benefit is that you don't have to worry about securing servers or maintaining them on your own, which creates a severe drop in initial start-up costs. Hosted solutions also provide continuous software updates. The drawback is that you don't have full control over every fine detail of your store, but the functionality is typically there. Licensed Ecommerce Solutions: Licensed solutions are out of the box solutions that you install onto your computer, meaning you have to find hosting in addition to acquiring and maintaining servers. Software features are also built in, but you won't receive updates. The benefit of licensed solutions is the increased control you receive over your online store. Open Source Ecommerce Solutions: Open source solutions are typically free software downloads that require large amounts of custom coding and technical knowledge. Upon download, you'll begin building your online store and all its features from scratch. If you have the knowledge or resources to develop your store this way, there is a higher degree of flexibility. With open source solutions, you're also responsible for finding technical support, hosting and server maintenance. 3. Start building your online store Now comes the fun part – building your online store. As you become familiar with your chosen shopping cart software, you'll start setting up your product categories and entering your inventory. You'll also want to start thinking about adding different pages to your new website, including information about your business, contact details, and more. You can easily launch your new online store without having everything on your website perfected – you'll quickly learn that selling online is a dynamic work in progress. It's also important to begin thinking about the design of your ecommerce site, as it's critical to your success. Even if you're selling the most incredible product, if a customer comes to your site and is underwhelmed, they won't trust your business or purchase from you. Fortunately there are all sorts of design options, including free templates and custom design services. Regardless of what route you take, always have your customer in mind when creating the aesthetic of your store. 4. Secure your domain name A domain name is the web address where customers can find your online store. Selecting the perfect domain name for your business is very important – it's a long-term decision that can make or break your success. Try to pick a domain name that is short, simple to remember and describes what you're selling online. 5. Determine how you'll get paid No matter what type of product you're selling, everyone's in the game for one reason – to make money! Your next decision is how to receive payment from your customers. There are a multitude of options out there depending on your business needs. Several first-time online business owners opt to use a simpler method of customer payment, such as PayPal or Google Checkout. These options can be utilized in the beginning if you're on a tight budget. The major drawback, however, is that customers are taken away from your website to enter their credit card information. This drastically increases the chance that they will change their minds and abandon their order before it's complete. Another option for accepting customer payment is to process credit cards directly from your online store. This allows your customers to select from several payment options, and more importantly, keeps them on your site. Credit card processing also creates a higher level of credibility for your online business. Your customers will know that you're a legitimate entity since you've taken the extra step in providing a convenient and secure checkout process. 6. Spread the word To truly succeed online, it's not enough to simply have a website. There are millions of other sites out there, all competing for the same shoppers. That's why it's critical to spread the word about what you're selling online. There are tons of different ways to tell others about your new store. Some of the quickest methods include reaching out to your friends and acquaintances. But to really stand out from the crowd, you'll want to look to search engines for help. Most online purchases begin with a search in a major search engine like Google, so you'll want to make sure that you're getting your piece of the pie. One quick way to boost traffic to your site is through Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising. Based on various search terms, an ad for your online store will appear within the search results. Another way to boost your ranking in search engines is with Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which is the practice of crafting your site to become search engine friendly. Regardless of what you decide, make sure you trumpet your online store to anyone that is willing to listen. You've worked hard to sell online – don't be afraid to tell the world about it! Opening your online business is an extremely rewarding process that will continue to pay off as time passes. If you invest your efforts and energy, selling online can quickly become a huge contributor to your income and will fulfill your entrepreneurial spirit. Keep in mind that the above was a comprehensive overview of the major points of selling online. If you can't afford a custom web design or SEO plan out of the gate, that's not a problem. As your business grows, so will your ability to capitalize on different online business tactics.

Selasa, 08 November 2011

Change Column Width Templates

There may be some of the gentlemen friend there who feel very fond of a template, but there are bumps that column widths are not according to our wishes, be it big or too mainbar sidebar column (column a post). There are times when the column width of a template in a sense too wide or too narrow, well if my friend had such a case, rather there are tips for befoul the column width to our own liking.

To determine the column width of a template, we can recognize it by its CSS style sheet. But of course there is a difference between one template with another template, is certainly up to the designer its own template. As an example for the header, if according to the standard blogger template in its CSS style sheet in the header call, but for the artificial templates of other designers out there who call Banner bloggers or other names. A name would not affect the results you can, the name is in use is so easy to remember or recognize by the user template if you want to do editting templates.

That is not too confusing, I take the example of the template minima 3 column which can be downloaded here!. After seeing the development of this template was much liked. If my friend was not satisfied with the width of columns in the template, please follow the following tips deh let the width of columns in accordance with the wishes buddy. Where is the location of the code to set the column width? I give an example:
#header-wrapper {
margin:0 auto 10px;
border:1px solid $bordercolor;

#outer-wrapper {
width: 900px;
margin:0 auto;
font: $bodyfont;

#main-wrapper {
width: 435px;
margin-left: 20px;
margin-right: 20px;
float: left;


#sidebar-wrapper {
width: 220px;
float: right;

#newsidebar-wrapper {
width: 200px;
float: left;

As seen in the above code, which affects the width of the column is that I printed in red.So it's easy not to recognize it. 900px is a value that is equal to 900 pixels wide.

In order to more schools, the above code I have described:

#header-wrapper {
margin:0 auto 10px;
border:1px solid $bordercolor;

This means the header-wrapper has a width of 900px and have a border (I mean the border is a frame or border) of a pixel with a solid line (solid = solid line. Dashed = dashed line. = Dotted line as dots) with border color that we can change change (in the font and color).

header-wrapper is just naming it, is not absolute. If it is changed by the name of the head is also not nothing. width: 900px; mean width of 900 pixels. nah this is the value of 900 pixels which can change as our buddy, want plus make it wider, or let you subtract the smaller. However, my advice, the value of this header must be equal to the width of the body to make it look nice. border: 1px solid $ bordercolor; is that the header has a border of 1 pixel, if you want thicker friend just add the value, or if my friend wants this border does not exist, my friend just delete this code.

#outer-wrapper {
width: 900px;
margin:0 auto;
font: $bodyfont;

This means that the outer-wrapper has a width of 900px, a distance of 10 pixels between align it with the average left-right and fonts can be changed to change the font and color panels.

outer wrapper is only a name. width: 900px; mean width is 900 pixels. 900 pixels is the width provided for the existing columns, call it in this column main-wrapper, sidebar-wrapper and sidebar-wrapper. So in other words the outer wrapper is the sum of the width of the column main-wrapper, sidebar-wrapper and sidebar-wrapper. When my friend include content that exceeds the width of each column, it will automatically be more spec than the width provided by the outer wrapper and what happens is one of the columns will sag down and this makes our blog to be less pleasant to the eye. So if you want to change the width of one column among the three, then the width of the outer wrapper must be changed and adjusted.

#main-wrapper {
width: 435px;
margin-left: 20px;
margin-right: 20px;
float: left;


This means that the column main-wrapper has a width of 435 pixels to the right margin of 20 pixels, 20 pixel left margin and put this column on the left.

main-wrapper is the posting page column, anything we post will go to this page. width: 435px; this column means that the width of 435 pixels, but since using margin-left and margin-right, then the actual column width is equal to 475 pixels. However, the 40 pixels is only an interval in order to limit the column does not touch. If you feel the column is too narrow or too small, then add the value, for example 550 pixels. When my friend intend to change this column, the column outer-wrapper had to be in added value. examples where the main-wrapper to be 550 pixels, then 550px-475px = 75px. This means the column outer-wrapper should be added for 75px, so 900px +75 px = 975px.

#sidebar-wrapper {
width: 220px;
float: right;

This means sidebar-wrapper has a width of 220 pixels and in place the right of the screen.

Sidebar-wrapper is a sidebar column or columns where we store various accessories or any others. width: 220px; means has a width of 220 pixels, if you want in on the broadening or narrowing, then we only need to change the pixel value only. Only when changing the value of this column, do not forget to change the value of space provided by outer-wrapper. example: if this column is enlarged to 250 pixels, then the extra pixels are 30 pixels, and do not forget to also add the column outer-wrapper.

#newsidebar-wrapper {
width: 200px;
float: left;

This means that the column sidebar-wrapper has a column width of 200 pixels and placed on the left screen.

Like the sidebar-wrapper, column sidebar-wrapper is a place to store various accessories or tools. This column is made more so that we can load a variety of accessories that we want. This column sidebar-wrapper width of 200px, now when intending to change it then just change the pixel value, but do not forget to also add the column outer-wrapper.

Jumat, 04 November 2011

How to Fix Like or Share on Facebook Not Showing Post Description

Whenever I clicked on the Like or Share button, the description of the article was not seen and just showing an image with its title on my Facebook profile. This was a concern for me and many other fellow bloggers who are using blogger blogspot platform.

For most Blogger blogs, especially the ones built by Template Designer, Facebook seems to pull something completely random. On some blogs it pulls texts from the comments, from blog description or from the sidebar, while on others it pulls nothing at all.
But, now let's fix these problems.
Let's see an image below. Before and After.

Now there are three solutions to fix this problem. You can do one of the following to solve this issue.

Option 1: Adding Post Snippet Description

1. Go to Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML.
2. Back up your template.
3. Tick the Expand Widget Templates check box on top right of the HTML window.
4. Look for the following line in your HTML code:
5. Add the code below right before that line:


6. Save Template

Option 2: Adding Paragraph


There are two ways to add paragraph tags. One is manually and other other is automatically which will be added to all your previous and upcoming posts.

1. Manually enclose the first paragraph of your post in the tag. You need to do this every time you write a new post, using post editor’s HTML mode. To make the tag count, make sure you put at least 120 characters inside the tag:


2. Add the tag into your template.

Go to Blogger’s Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML tab and check “Expand Widget Template”.
Find and add the

tags as shown below:


3. Use Windows Live Writer to write your post. WLW will automatically attach a

tag to each paragraph as you write your post.

Option 3:

If the two options above doesn't work, let's combine the two ways. Add Post Snippet Description and Manually enclose the first paragraph of your post in the tag.

According to Facebook, it scrapes your page every 24 hours to ensure the description (and other share data) are up to date. However, you can manually refresh it by entering the post URL into the Facebook URL Linter.

Kamis, 03 November 2011

Tweaking Windows To Speed Up Computer

Optimizing the following steps to accelerate the performance of Windows Computers:

A. Turn off some features Start Up.

This will speed up loading Windows at boot time or the first time we turn on the computer.

Log in RUN menu>>> Enter msconfig>> OK>> Select the Start Up menu>> Remove the check mark in the Start-up all except Anti virus program
Click Menu Service>> Remove the check mark on Automatic Updates
After that>>> Aplly>>> Ok

This requires Restart Windows, then there is the Windows Message and select dont show this message again. Then proceed to the optimization of the Windows Registry below.

B. Optimization In Registry

Change the Windows Registry in the following sections.

Find MENU SHOW DELAY>> Doble click and change the value data to 10
Look for Hung-UP TIME OUT>> Doble Click fox dataya value to 5
MY COMPUTER>> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>> SYSTEM> ControlSet001> Control>> WAIT TO KILL SERVICE>> Change to 500 Valuenya
MY COMPUTER>> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>> SYSTEM> CURRENT CONTROL Set> Control>> Sesion MANAGER>> MEMORY MANAGEMENT>> DISABLE paging executive>> Change the Value data to 1

C. Optimize Virtual Memory

Entrance Control Panel>> System>> Advanced> Performance Settings>>> Select Custom>> Cawang on: “Use Drop Shadow For Icon labels on the desktop” and “Use visual styles on windows and buttons” and then aplly.
n the Advanced menu>>> Virtual memory> Change>> Click on drive C: Windows>> Select Custom Size>> Change the Value in the initial size and maximum doble Size the previous value eg 256 to 512 foxes, 512 foxes 1000 ) or you can modify your own home is larger than the previous value, then click Ok.
Tweaking and modification of the above aims to optimize and speed up the process of working a program or software. And to prevent the warning / warning Virtual memory too low when running heavy programs like Adobe Photoshob yag, Corel Draw, Adobe Premiere, Pinacle and other heavy programs requiring a large virtual memory. And also this is to support Memory Ram that small that can still be used to run programs such weight.

When finished restart your computer then Performance Computer Performance and you will be much faster than before. Good luck.

Rabu, 02 November 2011

How to Install Backlink To Blog

Many ways to do a lot for getting backlinks, which led them to our blog by commenting on dofollow blogs, exchange links etc..
Well in this post I will discuss about how to get backlinks with how to use auto backlink tool that is widely available on the internet. by using this auto backlink.

You will get 663 more backlinks. On page one you will get 100 backlinks, page two 100 backlinks and so on page eight. We recommend that you submit once a month per page, eg page one in the first month, two months of the second page and so on to avoid suspicion by search engines.
And as for auto backlinks are:

Auto Backlink
auto backlink is the work of the nation itself so we should be proud dong, he comes from kediri please try. by clicking the link above.

Generator Engine
239 ping services and free auto backlink please enjoy.

Automatic Backlink
Only by showing the front page of your site, you'll get hundreds of backlinks a site.

Backlink Tool
free 70 high PR backlinks please try.

Good luck but my message did not let me do it gradually with suspicion by search engines ..... yes may be useful

Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Change Column Width Templates

There may be some of the gentlemen friend there who feel very fond of a template, but there are bumps that column widths are not according to our wishes, be it big or too mainbar sidebar column (column a post). There are times when the column width of a template in a sense too wide or too narrow, well if my friend had such a case, there are tips for ya pretty befoul the column width to our own liking.
To determine the column width of a template, we can recognize it by its CSS style sheet. But of course there is a difference between one template with another template, is certainly up to the designer its own template. As an example for the header, if according to the standard blogger template in its CSS style sheet in the header call, but for the artificial templates of other designers out there who call Banner bloggers or other names. A name would not affect the results you can, the name is in use is so easy to remember or recognize by the user template if you want to do editting templates.

That is not too confusing, I take the example of the template minima 3 column which can be downloaded here!. After seeing the development of this template was much liked. If my friend was not satisfied with the width of columns in the template, please follow the following tips deh let the width of columns in accordance with the wishes buddy. Where is the location of the code to set the column width? I give an example:

#header-wrapper {
margin:0 auto 10px;
border:1px solid $bordercolor;

#outer-wrapper {
width: 900px;
margin:0 auto;
font: $bodyfont;

#main-wrapper {
width: 435px;
margin-left: 20px;
margin-right: 20px;
float: left;


#sidebar-wrapper {
width: 220px;
float: right;

#newsidebar-wrapper {
width: 200px;
float: left;

As seen in the above code, which affects the width of the column is that I printed in red. Width of course in Indonesian is the width, so it's easy not to recognize it. 900px is a value that is equal to 900 pixels wide.

In order to more schools, the above code I have described:

#header-wrapper {
margin:0 auto 10px;
border:1px solid $bordercolor;

This means the header-wrapper has a width of 900px and have a border (I mean the border is a frame or border) of a pixel with a solid line (solid = solid line. Dashed = dashed line. = Dotted line as dots) with border color that we can change change (in the font and color).

header-wrapper is just naming it, is not absolute. If it is changed by the name of the head is also not nothing. width: 900px; mean width of 900 pixels. nah this is the value of 900 pixels which can change as our buddy, want plus make it wider, or let you subtract the smaller. However, my advice, the value of this header must be equal to the width of the body to make it look nice. border: 1px solid $ bordercolor; is that the header has a border of 1 pixel, if you want thicker friend just add the value, or if my friend wants this border does not exist, my friend just delete this code.

#outer-wrapper {
width: 900px;
margin:0 auto;
font: $bodyfont;

This means that the outer-wrapper has a width of 900px, a distance of 10 pixels between align it with the average left-right and fonts can be changed to change the font and color panels.

outer wrapper is only a name. width: 900px; mean width is 900 pixels. 900 pixels is the width provided for the existing columns, call it in this column main-wrapper, sidebar-wrapper and sidebar-wrapper. So in other words the outer wrapper is the sum of the width of the column main-wrapper, sidebar-wrapper and sidebar-wrapper. When my friend include content that exceeds the width of each column, it will automatically be more spec than the width provided by the outer wrapper and what happens is one of the columns will sag down and this makes our blog to be less pleasant to the eye. So if you want to change the width of one column among the three, then the width of the outer wrapper must be changed and adjusted.

#main-wrapper {
width: 435px;
margin-left: 20px;
margin-right: 20px;
float: left;


This means that the column main-wrapper has a width of 435 pixels to the right margin of 20 pixels, 20 pixel left margin and put this column on the left.

main-wrapper is the posting page column, anything we post will go to this page. width: 435px; this column means that the width of 435 pixels, but since using margin-left and margin-right, then the actual column width is equal to 475 pixels. However, the 40 pixels is only an interval in order to limit the column does not touch. If you feel the column is too narrow or too small, then add the value, for example 550 pixels. When my friend intend to change this column, the column outer-wrapper had to be in added value. examples where the main-wrapper to be 550 pixels, then 550px-475px = 75px. This means the column outer-wrapper should be added for 75px, so 900px +75 px = 975px.

#sidebar-wrapper {
width: 220px;
float: right;

This means sidebar-wrapper has a width of 220 pixels and in place the right of the screen.

Sidebar-wrapper is a sidebar column or columns where we store various accessories or any others. width: 220px; means has a width of 220 pixels, if you want in on the broadening or narrowing, then we only need to change the pixel value only. Only when changing the value of this column, do not forget to change the value of space provided by outer-wrapper. example: if this column is enlarged to 250 pixels, then the extra pixels are 30 pixels, and do not forget to also add the column outer-wrapper.

#newsidebar-wrapper {
width: 200px;
float: left;

This means that the column sidebar-wrapper has a column width of 200 pixels and placed on the left screen.

Like the sidebar-wrapper, column sidebar-wrapper is a place to store various accessories or tools. This column is made more so that we can load a variety of accessories that we want. This column sidebar-wrapper width of 200px, now when intending to change it then just change the pixel value, but do not forget to also add the column outer-wrapper.

Try to compare between two of this blog, please click here! with that here!

Tips for Safe and Optimal with Feedburner

As we know Feedburner is the leading pliers feed service with many advantages and simplicity. In addition, the acquisition of feedburner which finally proves that Google is not the same service with the service feeds the other.

In the use feedburner itself, you should consider a few things below, just to be safe and optimal.
Set the Email Sender Articles

This is an important step to keep the e-mail us from evil actions. You should protect your blogger email account so as not known to anyone. Since Feedburner and bloggers alike Google services, consciously or unconsciously, perhaps you have enabled a blogger and feedburner in the same email. In fact, the email it will be posted to each of your customers. If one of your customers there is a rogue with the email, it will be harmful to your blog.

Step change in Feedburner Email senders article: \

Log into Feedburner (
Click the Publicize tab
Email Subscriptions menu and then select the submenu Communication Prefences
In the email "From" Address change with your other email address, which is not an email to your blog.

Promotion Links in Email Confirmation

Still in the same place (Publicize - Email Subscriptions - Communication Prefences), you can set the subject (title) and content of the confirmation messages sent to your new customers.

On the Confirmation Email Body, please edit as you see fit. You can add links to your facebook page or link to subscribe to your blog via Google Friend Connect. The important thing is to not eliminate the confirmation link in the form of code} $ {confirmlink

The default is:

Hello there,

You recently requested an email subscription to Mr Doyok!. We can't wait to send the updates you want via email, so please click the following link to activate your subscription immediately:


(If the link above does not appear clickable or does not open a browser window when you click it, copy it and paste it into your web browser's Location bar.)

And you can change what you want for it :)

Email Subject / Title Title Post

In the standard state of each of your blog updates sent to your email subscribers will have the subject / title of your feedburner name. To make it more interesting, you can modify in order to appear as the email subject is the title of your recent articles

At almost the same place (Publicize - Email Subscriptions - Email Brandings), please change the entries in Email / Subject with code $ {Title} latestItemTitle

Delivery Options

This is the setting time when the update will be emailed to your customers. Could be important because it will relate to your posting schedule.

Suppose you post your article on Monday at 10 am, while sending mail from Feedburner in the set at 07-00 - 09.00, then your article on Monday will be mailed on Tuesday at a predetermined time interval. The article sent so impressed too late.

It is therefore very important to adjust the delivery schedule updates to email your customers with your schedule posts every day.

Still in place are almost the same (Publicize - Email Subscriptions Delivery Options) do not forget to customize the timezone and Schedule email delivery

Learn more about Website Hosting

Trying to identify a web hosting can be a very daunting task especially when there are so many available nowadays and all of them promise one thing or another because looking for and buying a reliable web hosting solution is an imperative decision. inding the best hosting service for your website can be complicated. The best way to select a quality web hosting is to take the selection process one step at a time.

If you are currently engaged in any facet of ecommerce, even service sectors, a website makes up a great deal of your business. Therefore, it is a safe assumption that you pay for hosting your website in some fashion. If you do not already have a dedicated server, perhaps you should revisit the decision for the best hosting options for your business.

Green hosting was scarce a few years ago, however, recently this type of web hosting has come into the limelight. There are a handful of companies who started off 100% green while others have gradually converted. Even some of the most widely known providers have made the switch to offer a more eco-friendly web hosting product. Many begin in the office by recycling waste paper and utilizing bio-fuel for heating purposes. This leads to the data centers where servers thrive off alternative sources such as wind, solar and geothermal energy. Some have went out and purchased RECs (Renewable Energy Credits), a certification which assures the company is using alternatives forms of power.

There are some who question the performance and overall reliability you receive with a green hosting platform. In actuality, renewable energy is proven to be just as reliable and effective as conventional electricity. Green hosts are successfully running their businesses just as everyone else is. Like the traditional provider is equipped with electrical backup sources, these companies are prepared to produce renewable energy to keep the operation flourishing.

In today's competitive world reliable web hosting is very critical especially for the success of online businesses. You need to seek a web hosting company that can provide you with these critical components and much more.

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

Electronic Cigarette Review

This is one particular quote that you may want to bear in mind when acquiring an digital cigarette, specifically if you come throughout the brand White Cloud Digital Cigarette.
Ahead of your eyes get on to yet another digital cigarette overview, consider a glimpse on White Cloud Electronic Cigarette 1st. Some may possibly be more cost-effective, but White Cloud Digital Cigarette might previous lengthier.

An electronic cigarette evaluation produced by E-Cigarette Evaluations not long ago at their web site for White Cloud Electronic Cigarette is one thing to consider recognize of so you can actually judge it right after looking at the whole issue as an alternative of just creating fake presumptions about the product or service before even examining what it can give you. Reading a overview would not consider any income away from your pocket. Really it may possibly even aid you help you save some.

Some advanced and elite E smokers have actually favorite the White Cloud Electronic Cigarette brand name above other people due to the fact White Cloud Digital Cigarettes have resolved the problems and troubles that ended up present in Chinese-made resources for electronic cigarettes even if they are American-assembled. If you are nevertheless wondering about the value, then here it is. The reason for White Cloud Digital Cigarettes to have a steep price is that it is far more long lasting and is promised to final more time than other brands.

The starter kit of the White Cloud Electronic Cigarette which is the White Cloud Cirrus II includes two e cigarette batteries, a person USB express battery charger and a single pack of magazines which have five (and you get to decide the flavor you want and the nicotine degree you want). Awesome, right? So ahead of you get prejudiced mainly because of the selling price tag, keep in mind to discover out initial why it is priced like that.

Making Money Consistently In The Stock Market

All the investing greats, be it Peter Lynch, John Singleton, or Warren Buffett, are considered greats because they not only made money in the stock market, but they made it year in, year out because they approach it with a long-term view. People who are just looking to make a killing in the short term often end up losing their shirt and then some. This is not what this article is about. If you want to learn about how to be a long term winner in the stock market, read on.

1. Set your goal. Take your personal factors into consideration to come up with the type of portfolio that best suits you. Then analyze every potential investment by thinking about what you want out of it and whether or not it fits into your overall investment plan. Just like a sports coach, have your X's and O's ready, don't react to the market. This will save you a lot of headaches and money.

2. Come up with a strategy. Stock market investing tactics and strategies are a dime a dozen. Any Google search or trip to your local library or bookstore will present you with a dizzying array of choices. Faced with such a wide range of options, you're better off deciding on one strategy that you're most comfortable with and that fits your style, and going with it. Leave yourself open to the possibility of making a minor change here and there but have those changes be the exception rather than the norm.

3. Determine potential risks. Make sure that you're able to correctly determine risks that undoubtedly come hand in hand with every opportunity. One way to do so is to look at your potential investments with as critical an eye as possible, and to devise your management plan accordingly. You'll be happy you did because you will be able to minimize your losses even in the event that a particular investment turns out to be a money-losing proposition. Notice how this step comes before profit assessment? This is to make sure you don't get overwhelmed with excitement before you size up the gamble you're taking.

4. Gauge profit potential. Based on the profit potential of your investment, you should be able to determine price points where you sell and get out. One of the biggest hurdles for novice investors is knowing when to get out of an investment. They eventually wait too long and lose some of their on-paper gains.

5. Keep an eye out for comparable opportunities. Do a little more research. Check to see if there are other investments that have fewer risks, a better profit potential, or if there are is another strategy that will make your life easier (or hopefully a little richer at the end of the day).

6. Scale the mountain. This step goes hand in hand with devising a strategy from the get-go. Every investment you make will have its unique challenges to optimize rewards and minimize losses. Anticipating them gives you a leg up that will allow you to achieve that exact goal.

7. Have your plan B ready. This one relates to point 4 and reinforces the need to have set thresholds, whether you're riding a winner or have to get rid of an albatross loser. You absolutely need to set specific boundaries as to when you should get out of an investment, either to prevent you from losing on your returns or just to avoid losing more money than you already have.

8. Choose the right investments. Investing takes time, so for one last time look over your new project as a whole. Now you've got all the pieces to see the puzzle as if it was completed, and can determine if this investment is really worth your time and effort. And if it isn't, there's no need to dwell on it: starting a new plan is certainly less painful than losing a couple thousand dollars because of an ill-advised investment plan.

9. Aim high. So your mind is made up on an investment, right? Well then just go for it and stop over-thinking things. You've done all the thinking you needed to in the previous steps. As corny as it sounds, if you give everything you got, you'll be a winner regardless of the monetary outcome. Even if you lost money, you won't have lost that much because you've learned to hedge your bets. All you have to do is following through on your game plan and the long term benefits will follow.

10. Debrief. At least twice a year, take a look at your plan and how you've fared in your investments. If somehow you bombed and lost a lot of money, try to figure out what went wrong so that those mistakes don't keep on dogging your investing efforts. Above all, don't give up; if you do, then you won't have any lessons to draw from those mistakes. Keep tweaking things until you find your personal success formula. Once you've cleared that hurdle, you're set.

Internet Marketing Online Affiliate Program Leads to Big Money

When it comes to making money online, affiliate programs seem to be the most popular opportunity on the web today. While some of these internet marketing online affiliate programs pay more than others, many of them are extremely lucrative.Of course when you are looking closely at affiliate programs online, you'll find that the amount you can make will vary. Some programs pay better than other program do, although they may require more labor on your part to get them going.
If possible, you're also going to want to look for programs that will pay you on a monthly basis.
Becoming a success using an internet marketing online affiliate marketing program means that you will have to crush all opposition in your niche. To accomplish this, you'll need the most powerful marketing strategies at your disposal which you can find. Becoming the top dog in your niche isn't always an easy task - so you'll need to work hard at it and take some extreme measures if needed.
Article marketing is one of the marketing tools which can make you the dominant force in your niche. Article marketing consists of submitting articles to directories, which get slinks to your site (and your name) out there on the web. If your articles are good, you can establish yourself as a brand in your niche and improve your search engine rankings, helping your page get noticed.
There are plenty of other ways to build a success of your internet marketing online affiliate program. Paid marketing tools are the choice of those eager to see results quickly. There are free tools available too; those with creative skills will likely opt for these. After all, imparting your own personal touch to your marketing efforts will help people remember your website.
Taking advantage of the tools which exist for the affiliate marketer can end up making you a good deal of money. Your tools may even be paid for in some cases. Sometimes, it can take a lot of effort from you to get successful in your niche; while other programs may pay out quickly.
To be successful in affiliate marketing, take every opportunity to listen to what the professionals have to tell you. Their advice can be valuable and will give you an advantage over those who decide to go it alone.
With the right tools at your disposal, you can make very large profits through an internet marketing online affiliate program. Remember though that it will take some dedication, a willingness to learn and of course, some work to succeed.

Highlight Text Area using

There are other variations of this makes the text area, the text area by using the highlight button. with the key highlights of this will make it easier for visitors to copy the entire text or code that is given, because with just a single tap it on the highlight button above, then the entire text or code in it will be in the highlights and live in copy only. This facility is particularly useful when the text or code that is given role in a number of very much and this will reduce the risk of lagging a text or code for the copy. To create a text area using this highlights please copy the HTML code below: