As we know Feedburner is the leading pliers feed service with many advantages and simplicity. In addition, the acquisition of feedburner which finally proves that Google is not the same service with the service feeds the other.
In the use feedburner itself, you should consider a few things below, just to be safe and optimal.
Set the Email Sender Articles
This is an important step to keep the e-mail us from evil actions. You should protect your blogger email account so as not known to anyone. Since Feedburner and bloggers alike Google services, consciously or unconsciously, perhaps you have enabled a blogger and feedburner in the same email. In fact, the email it will be posted to each of your customers. If one of your customers there is a rogue with the email, it will be harmful to your blog.
Step change in Feedburner Email senders article: \
Log into Feedburner (
Click the Publicize tab
Email Subscriptions menu and then select the submenu Communication Prefences
In the email "From" Address change with your other email address, which is not an email to your blog.
Promotion Links in Email Confirmation
Still in the same place (Publicize - Email Subscriptions - Communication Prefences), you can set the subject (title) and content of the confirmation messages sent to your new customers.
On the Confirmation Email Body, please edit as you see fit. You can add links to your facebook page or link to subscribe to your blog via Google Friend Connect. The important thing is to not eliminate the confirmation link in the form of code} $ {confirmlink
The default is:
Hello there,
You recently requested an email subscription to Mr Doyok!. We can't wait to send the updates you want via email, so please click the following link to activate your subscription immediately:
(If the link above does not appear clickable or does not open a browser window when you click it, copy it and paste it into your web browser's Location bar.)
And you can change what you want for it :)
Email Subject / Title Title Post
In the standard state of each of your blog updates sent to your email subscribers will have the subject / title of your feedburner name. To make it more interesting, you can modify in order to appear as the email subject is the title of your recent articles
At almost the same place (Publicize - Email Subscriptions - Email Brandings), please change the entries in Email / Subject with code $ {Title} latestItemTitle
Delivery Options
This is the setting time when the update will be emailed to your customers. Could be important because it will relate to your posting schedule.
Suppose you post your article on Monday at 10 am, while sending mail from Feedburner in the set at 07-00 - 09.00, then your article on Monday will be mailed on Tuesday at a predetermined time interval. The article sent so impressed too late.
It is therefore very important to adjust the delivery schedule updates to email your customers with your schedule posts every day.
Still in place are almost the same (Publicize - Email Subscriptions Delivery Options) do not forget to customize the timezone and Schedule email delivery
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